Mobile Web Design Process by Zartash

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Most Conventional companies advise their customers to acquire responsive web design for use on mobile devices. This feature allows these companies to bill more charges because of the extensive mobile web design process involved in converting the website to a convertible type.


Zartash however does not believe in the philosophy of overcharging its customers. Hence in certain situations such as different strategy goals and content the company advises the customers to acquire a mobile website. Whenever a customer browses a website using a mobile device, he will be redirected to the mobile version which is much simpler and adapted for resolution of mobile devices.

Mobile Web Design Process by Zartash

To make the website fluent with the mobile interface, Zartash employs the following tools

  • Single Column Format
  • Use Lower Pixels/ Limited Graphics
  • Simpler Navigation/ Smaller Buttons

These optimization features allow the website to save a lot of space thus making the website accessible faster than normal devices.


The first step for Mobile Web Design Process by Zartash is simply having professional content writers who create as much to-the-point content as possible. The reason of this approach is our research which suggests that 58% users are less likely to read a longer excerpt that a shorter one on a mobile website. On a computer screen, the same ratio is found to be 44% thus indicating the importance of being brief.


As a part of the shortening strategy, Sections are converted into Single Sheets; Para’s are edited into Statements. Multiple attempts at editing are made to ensure that the content is as minute as possible. Although this process is complicated but not for you! , You can leave it all up to Zartash’s expert content writers.


Zartash has researched to discover that there are multiple features which work with enhanced eloquence on mobile screens. Such features include.

Navigation Maps

Navigation maps allow smoother usage due to their aspect ratio features which can load faster on mobile devices due to smaller screen size and hence smaller aspect ratios.

Blogging Websites

Blogs function smoothly due to the format of data present in them. The text is presented mostly as a paragraph whereas pictures are separated into drop boxes; the same strategy is applied for videos.


Newsfeeds can be arranged into a text and picture link format where pictures are hosted on another remote server and are opened via third party software only upon selection.

Photo Galleries

The format of photo galleries is altered to produce a faster presentation of the pictures.  The file type is changed to a shorted more compressed version, reducing the size and accessing time.

Video Libraries

Video Libraries are organized into collections of Streaming links that are connected to mobile optimized videos uploaded on Zartash’s servers thus reducing the websites loads to near zero on video and the load is only enhanced upon the event of selection of link where a third party application connected video to streaming server directly.


“Image courtesy of [twobee] /”.