Online Marketing, SEO & SEM

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Online Marketing has become the one of the key tools to enhance the global position of websites. SEO is the art of adjusting the website in a way which enables the search engines to identify the website when relevant keywords are typed in a search engine. Zartash are considered pioneers in the art of SEO due to their specifically design algorithm that is constantly updated keeping in view the policies of major search engines including Google, Ask and Bing.

Ranked Success

Websites that are Search Engine Optimized by Zartash have constantly topped the search engine rankings based on regions and all the websites optimized by Zartash have managed to make it into the first page of all major search engines. These websites are ranked in the prestigious top 5000 and 10000 sites ranked by ALEXA, the world’s foremost authority on search engine optimization.

Economic Resolve

Zartash is currently the most economic provider of online marketing. The Average Cost of marketing through Zartash’s organic approach is nearly 10 times cheaper than any other provider in the whole regional market. Zartash also optimizes websites using Organic SEO which turns in even more economic CPC rates. Our Organic SEO approach can enable numerous different pages of the same website to enable multiple spots on the search rank hence it will enhance your customer awareness. This increases the exposure of the company to the global internet audience and the brand identity of the company is enhanced. In conventional PPC type SEO whenever the customer stops paying for SEO services, the companies name disappears from search engine’s lists and rankings. On the contrary, with organic SEO, the companies name remains on SEO results for long durations of time even after the work on SEO is halted. This sort of approach allows customers to earn benefits from multiple links instead of one.


Most of the conventional SEO providers use the keyword spam technique which results in a temporary boost which ends in ranking drastically dropping in a matter of few weeks, In Contrast, Zartash’s algorithm keeps in minds the current Search engine preferences and priorities ( including facebook’s Graph Search and Google Panda System). This results in a constant exponential rise in the customer and viewer base of the website. This feature of our SEO earns us valuable search points over our competitors thus enabling us to top search rating and results. The Organic Searches by Zartash are tested to be more trusted by a large pool of browsers whereas most of the user base tends to avoid the Pay to click links in colored boxes.

Global Reach

These SEO service enable our clients to attract customers from all corners of the globe, the Top ranks in search engine results make Zartash the best choice for any customer looking to attract the spotlight. Our SEO services have put our customers from middle class businessmen to Industry Pioneers all due to their widespread public reach and accessibility.


“Image courtesy of [chanpipat] /”.